Our programs will help the individuals deal successfully with the challenges of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (Healing or Recovery) and prepare them for the independence and responsibilities of being parents, workers and citizens by conducting activities with a primary nonacademic focus, applying primarily active and experimental learning methods and promoting the competence through group and one-on-one activities that may include activities in children centers and youth clubs (replacing Gangs), sports and recreation, peer counseling and teaching, mentoring, arts, values education, leadership development, crime and delinquency prevention, substance abuse prevention, child welfare, child protection counseling, vocational training, teen pregnancy education, youth employment as part of counseling program, community service or volunteerism, literacy, after school program, alcohol education, parenting skills, activities, ethnic or cultural enrichment, tutoring, and academic enrichment that positively, evidently, efficiently and effectively ends in recovery or healing.
Our ability to respect the dignity of every human being is the foundation of any moral society. In a good home dwells a healthy child filled with power that comes from knowledge.
The resilient child is the one who works well, plays well, loves well, and expects well. (Norman, G, 1974). Providing positive youth development programs and support to the children, adults and families.