All participants/Legal Guardians at Care Solution's programs will receive confidentiality policy, Grievance Policy & Procedure, Rights of individuals served and any other information necessary for program implementation. They will be encouraged to be actively involved in the planning and implementation of the Individualized Service Plan (ISP). Where and when applicable, their consent will be required before and during services.
Individuals To Be Admitted To The Group Homes
Any resident to be admitted to Care Solution's residential programs (if any) will be afforded unhindered access to his or her family and others, (through visitation, correspondence, reports, mail and telephone, etc) except those with professional, legal or statutory limitations. Family involvement is part of our mission. During admission, the parent, parent surrogate or legal guardian will receive a package containing all pertinent contact and necessary information available to service the individual. Appointments for visitation shall be scheduled ahead of time for residential programs when applicable to ensure that the visit is not in conflict with the implementation of the individual’s Individualized Service Plan (ISP).
Family Member Receiving Care, Rehabilitation or Treatment
It is clinically unethical for any staff member to provide care, treatment or rehabilitation to any family member, friends or relative admitted to any of our programs. Our staff will notify clinical supervisor of any admission of family members, friends and relatives. Clinical Supervisor will notify such members of non involvement of their family, friends and relatives staff during their treatment and assure them that all information shared with this agency will be confidential and kept away from such family, friend or relative staff. Clinical supervisor will ensure that such staff does not have unsupervised access to those individual's file or information. Staff whose family, friend or relative is receiving care, rehabilitation or treatment is required to conduct himself/herself in such a manner as not to interfere with the care, rehabilitation or treatment of the individual.